Designer bags are the stylish look of today and commonly called celebrity bags. The luxury Balenciaga handbags use the best of the distressed Italian goat leather to slouchy one of a kind look that everyone loves. The best known Spanish fashion designer, Cristobal Balenciaga is regarded as the guru of the fashion industry.
But above that, Louis Vuitton is to women one of those mythical names, a name with magical connotation, representing dream designer handbags. As the name suggests, the replica bag manufacturers make true copies of the original brands. Starting from using the same quality fabric to designs , and the stitches, buckles, labels and serial numbers embossed on the bags, are same as that of the original brand. With each latest introduction the bags are copied and released in the market as soon as possible.
Talking about bags Louis Vuitton, Chanel, Gucci, christen Dior handbags are some of the biggest brands in the charming world of handbags and purses. Yet, due to their astronomical prices not many can afford these. So, with time many designer replicas have come up in the market.
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